How is Nyamirambo Women’s Center Making a Difference? The Nyamirambo Women’s Center in Kigali, Rwanda, makes a difference by empowering women through tourism training, providing a platform for local guides to meet people from around the world, and offering a Read More
5 Things You Need if You Want To Travel To Uganda
5 Things You Need if You Want To Travel To Uganda 5 Things You Need if You Want To Travel To Uganda: You’ll need a valid passport, a visa (depending on your nationality), a yellow fever vaccination certificate, travel insurance, Read More
5 animals that don’t drink water through their lives
5 animals that don’t drink water through their lives 👇🏾 Have you ever tried to imagine life without water? Well, it is interesting to note that several animals do not drink water at all. These 5 animals that don’t drink Read More
Have you ever wondered why lions would not consume hyenas even after they have killed them
Have you ever wondered why lions would not consume hyenas even after they have killed them? This article will address that question and also provide insight into the wondrous creature known as the Lion.” Lions are frequently referred to be Read More
16 Best & Most Amazing things to do in Uganda
16 Best & Most Amazing things to do in Uganda All the things to do in Uganda give you so many good reasons and unforgettable experiences to finally put this amazing Sub-Saharan African country on your travel bucket list with Read More
Advice For Women Travelling with Strangers
Advice For Women Travelling with Strangers The better Advice For Women Travelling with Strangers should always be on guard. Though it may not be a pleasant thought, strangers could be hiding all manner of secrets and female travellers are better Read More
How I Overcame Fear and Traveled to Africa
How I Overcame Fear and Traveled to Africa How I Overcame Fear and Traveled to Africa, Travelling alone was the scariest thing to me. I went home from work in floods of tears and started googling how to get over Read More
5 Reasons to ditch the dudes on an all-women Safari
5 Reasons to ditch the dudes on an all-women Safari Women are fuelling explosive growth in the travel industry and the 5 Reasons to ditch the dudes on an all-women Safari as Single, married, widowed, young, old, mothers, professionals; more and Read More
Bird Watching is Good for your Beings
Bird Watching is Good for your Beings #BirdGuides Bird Watching is Good for your Beings to say People living in neighbourhoods with more birds, shrubs and trees are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and stress. The study, involving Read More
What Might Happen to the World if there are no more Elephants
What Might Happen to the World if there are no more Elephants? What Might Happen to the World if there are no more Elephants, The question of elephants going extinct is an increasing possibility. In the 19th century, there were Read More